theanteverse world


The world of amazing creatures

theanteverse is a very special place. You are part of theanteverse but you are also not part of it. Some say it is a magical place. Some say it is only a fantasy land dreamt up in a 9-year-old’s uber imaginative brain. It is very real. A special place filled with amazing creatures like ants, worms, and birds. They are very common creatures. You know them. You most likely see them every day but do you know what they do? Who their friends are? The adventures they embark on? Join us in our very first look at this world. Join us in theanteverse through the children’s books on William, Farteroo, and many more…

theanteverse world - children book series

William the Warrior Ant – the very first adventure


There is a poem written about William. It is only taught to all the young ones who believe in theanteverse.

William is an Ant,

An ant with superhuman strength,

He travels the forest expanse,

To save his kind he must,

And so he does.

Click —> HERE <— to order your copy

theanteverse world - children book series

Farteroo book launch in Dec 2021

Farteroo is a creature with magical powers…that’s all we can say for now.

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