Creative Process

Colin hard at work
Colin at his desk typing long into the night

We started the creative process in 2019. Loads of days and nights locked up in the house due to the pandemic stroked the wildfires of our imagination. With our trusty 10-year-old Macbook Pro and dr Google, we did our initial research into theanteverse.

Colin was fascinated with ants and the first story of theanteverse world, the story of William was conceived. Typed up over many hours into Google Docs. Multiple revisions later the first book was ready. It was a short story and we didn’t think we were doing theanteverse any justice so back to the laptop we went. Colin pouring in all that his imagination could fire up as he continues to grow the character and the world around it.

A children’s book is never complete without the characters being brought to life in drawing. Drawing is not our strength so we searched Fiverr for suitable artists we could bring into the creative journey. We liked the lovable chibi style of drawing and commissioned our first character – William the Warrior Ant.

First draft of William the ant

The first part of our journey is almost complete with the William story soon to be released – Be the first to get the copy HERE